Blast on London underground and buses

londonbombing.jpgAround 9am today (Thursday) several London underground trains and busses had exploded. All of London underground network is currently suspended and people are being evacuated.
Initially the incidents were being reported as “power surges” on the underground. After several buses had exploded as well it was clear that it was actually bombs that had exploded.
Currently (11am) there have been a few (2) fatal casualties.
No information regarding who is responsible for the attacks as of yet.
I am fine and so is our family. I have been in touch with several close friends who are all fine as well but I am very worried that not all have been so lucky.
Update 3.30pm
Currently there are more than 33 fatalities confirmed. More than 300 people have been treated.
Other sources
Real time Wiki
BBC Timeline
Sky News

2 thoughts on “Blast on London underground and buses”

  1. 190 lidi zranenych, 10 mrtvych. Tony Blair opustil G8 a je na ceste do Londyna.
    Sleduji vse na idnes online, prosim dej vedet vecer jak je, J. take volala, maji starosti o vas, asi budeme vecer u nich sledovat pres internet,
    Davejte na sebe pozor, maminka

  2. OMG! You were first on my mind when i saw the news some hours ago. It’s real nice to hear that you are ok David and Carla. I was worried there for a while. Were you ever close to any of the explosions?

    David says:
    We do not use the public transport and were not close to any of the explosions.
    Gumas however was only one station away from Edgeware Road when the bomb went off there 🙁

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