Where would I be without her strong mind, fiery attitude and big heart. She blows a breath of life and passion into my otherwise mediocre tour of life. I was lost until she found me and she is now my muse, inspiration and a true companion in the battle that life sometimes is.
Always fighting for the less fortunate; may it be old, sick or poor people.
Loves dogs above all… for both good and bad. Other animals are very high up there as well.
“Thank you for everything”, I tell her.
“Pay me back in diamonds”, she says while smiling the most seductive little smile.
Ano, Davidku, take mame Carlu moooc radi a tesi tesi nas vase laska, “ktera jiste hory prenasi”
Ale co udelame s temi “diamonds”?
What have you done now, Chumbo?
Cara de sorte esse chumbo, hein Pedroca?
Dona Encrenca