
As much as I was worried before the wedding, the more am I relieved now that it is all over.
Most people settle with one wedding but we had to have two; one ceremony in the church and one civil ceremony the following day.
The church ceremony was mainly attended by close friends and family. It was the hardest part by far. Watching my family lined up along the church benches as I was walking towards the altar was quite a thrill.
It was then surpassed by the sight of the bride, my future wife, walking towards me accompanied by her father. A four men strong group of trumpeters announcing her entrance added to the suspense.
The following day was relatively easy. Sure there were a lot more people (close to 400) but for me it was a repetition and I knew there was a big party waiting.
Party hats and sunglasses, fireworks, the Swedish flag next to the Brazilian flag, late night Havaianas for the girls and a 13 men strong samba band were just some of the surprises prepared.
Early in the morning I was told by several of the people at the party that they doubted they would ever attend a grander party, not even at their own wedding. Now that is a great compliment if there ever was one!

One thought on “Success”

  1. Davo,
    Well done for tieing the knot, how about letting some people get married once? 😉
    You have had more weddings than I have had hot dinners! 😉

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