“BUSH NEEDS YOUR HELP” (freep a poll)

The other David Kaspar over at Medienkritik recently wrote about an online poll deducted by the German newspaper Spiegel Online.
It has stirred up some emotions and has escalated to a larger discussion. While it is a clear case of Freeping (poll manipulating), I will not get into the same discussion.
If you are looking for this article, please go to: David Kaspar’s Medienkritik
deDer andere David Kaspar (von Davids Medienkritik) schrieb vor kurzem über eine Online-Abstimmung der deutschen Zeitschrift Spiegel Online.
Die Gefühle kochten hoch und es entwickelte sich daraus eine größere Diskussion. Obwohl es ein klarer Fall von Freeping (Manipulation einer Abstimmung) ist, werde ich nicht die selbe Diskussion lostreten.
Wenn Sie den Artikel suchen, gehen Sie bitte zu David Kaspars Medienkritik.
(translation by Vasili)

Evil Baby

I friend (Pedro) pointed me in the direction of a photography manipulating tool called FaceFilter. It lets you change the facial expressions of a subject fairly easily by using a set of default templates.

While you would be able to do most of the tricks in your favorite photo editing software, FaceFilter will let you do the manipulations much quicker.

You can also discover some things about facial expressions that you might have realised before.

I tried the 7-day trial and had loads of fun with the “evil baby” below, see for your self.

Original baby

Angry baby

Chubby baby

Making a face

Making another face

Mean baby

Not my baby

Sleepy baby

Young (?) baby